Your New Professional Website

Your Website is Your Digital Front Door: Make a Great First Impression with a Professional Website Design

Our team of experienced web designers can create a custom website that showcases your brand and helps you achieve your business goals. And most importantly…YOU OWN IT!

Is Your Business Listed Online?

Your website is your digital front door. It’s the first thing potential customers see when they search for your business online. A well-designed website can make a great first impression and help you attract new customers.

But with so many different website builders and templates available, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where The LocalVantage Marketing System comes in!

The LocalVantage Marketing System is a complete marketing system that allows a company to create and host their website, and landing pages!

Your new website is always using the most up to date features, and automatically upgraded:

  • Responsive web design for mobile-friendly websites
  • Content management systems (CMS) for easy updates
  • E-commerce solutions for online sales
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) to help your website rank higher in search results

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you create a website that will help you achieve your business goals.

Website Design

Have you ever noticed that a great Web site seems to “pop off the screen” and make you want to use it, and bad Web sites look like they were designed in the 1990s and not updated since?

Web sites created on The LocalVantage Marketing System are visually appealing, easy to use and enhance a business’ brand dramatically. A creative, technically advanced Web site generates profits for businesses 24 hours a day!

Business owners and managers who once thought that a visually striking, advanced Web site was too expensive or out of reach for a non-expert to maintain and manage themselves, will find that our system and support services will guide them every step of the way toward establishing a compelling presence on the Internet.

Types of Landing Pages

The purpose of your website is to get visitors to take some “Call To Action” to either immediately become a customer or to trade their information for an offer or valuable piece of content like an eBook/guide. That said, converting a visitor into a customer or client usually requires a landing page.

So you may be asking “What is a landing page and how does it work?”

A landing page is usually a single web page that exists to get the visitor to take a specific action. We may lead a prospect to a landing page from an ad, a download/eBook, social media post etc. for a specific offer.

There are a few types of landing pages used for specific purposes. Again, depending on the “action” we want the visitor to take. The following gives some information on the most commonly used:

Squeeze Page

You are probably already familiar with the “Squeeze Page”. A squeeze page is designed to capture a prospects/visitors email address. It typically includes an offer for an eBook, white paper, checklist, swipe file or even your newsletter.

Lead Capture Page

A lead capture page is similar to a squeeze page, with two distinct differences.

  • Shown to prospects that have high interest. They may have already opted-in on a squeeze page by downloading an eBook.
  • Offers something of high value, a best selling book offered for free, or software tool. 

E-Commerce Websites

  • Sell more online products or services through a fast, secure, and beautiful e-commerce site.
  • See our “Sample Store Front” to get a visual. Not only is the layout easily customized, it has everything you need to sell, track inventory, handle shipping and accounting reports built in.

How Does it Work?

Read below to learn the A, B, C of our quick and easy process that will turn your Monday blues into Monday bliss.

Step 1. Get in Touch

The first thing you’ll want to do is simply to click “Schedule a Conversation”.

Magical things will happen from there.

Step 2. Arrange an Introductory Meeting

Now that we have briefly discussed your needs, goals, and challenges, we are ready to set up an initial consultation to go into more detail. It’s time to get the ball rolling and put together a customized business plan that will enable us to build the best website for you.

Step 3. Reap the Rewards

Get ready to put proven systems and automation to work for your company. 

Why Choose to Work with Us?

Minding My Business is the brainchild of Bob Beck, a tech and marketing expert boasting decades of experience in the industry.

At our very core, we aim to assist both up-and-coming and well-established business owners with the skills and strategies they need to build and grow successful online businesses.

If you choose to partner with us for the creation of your sensational business website, you can expect the following:

  • Unflinching integrity and an authentically selfless attitude
  • Constant and contagious energy, humor, and positivity
  • Honestly, truth, and transparency at all cost
  • Thorough, hard work that gets you results
  • Exceptional organization, communication, and knowledge-sharing
  • Education, entertainment, empowerment, and execution

Ready to Supercharge Your Business Growth?

Get in touch with our expert and friendly team today, and start growing your business tomorrow.